传播学 (英语: Communication studies) 是一门研究传播与交流过程的学科, 通常被定义为跨越一定时间与空间的符号共享。 这使得传播学所包含的意义非常广泛, 它可以指任何信息在个体间传播交流的过程, 也涵盖了沟通, 交流, 通讯, 通信等内容。 早期西方学者对“传播“定义为: 发送者通过某种媒体以某种格式来传递信息到收信者, 以达致某个目的, 但学科发展至今, 其定义已远不止于此。
复旦大学新闻学院教授、博士生导师,研究方向为新闻生产、新闻从业者、新媒体与社会等。2006年,复旦大学新闻学院博士毕业后留校任教,2011年7月起转至中山大学传播与设计学院。 曾任中山大学传播与设计学院院长。现任复旦大学全球传播全媒体研究院副院长。
Institutes :The Central Academy of Drama
Institutes :Tsinghua University
现任中国人民大学荣誉一级教授,中国人民大学新闻学院教授,博导,中国人民大学新闻与社会发展研究中心顾问兼学术委员会主任,北京大学、清华大学、南京大学、浙江大学、吉林大学、安徽大学、河北大学、河南大学、广西大学、辽宁大学、兰州大学、华中科技大学、厦门大学、暨南大学、广州大学、新疆财经学院、西南政法大学等十七所大学新闻传播院系的顾问、指导委员会委员、兼职教授、课程教授,南京大学新闻传播学院名誉院长,中国新闻史学会名誉会长,中华全国新闻工作者协会特邀理事,吴玉章奖基金会委员兼吴玉章奖新闻学评审组召集人。北京大学新闻学研究会学术总顾问。 1991年起获国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴。
Institutes :Renmin University of China
Institutes :Renmin University of China
Stephen D. Reese
Stephen D. Reese has been on the journalism faculty of the University of Texas since 1982, following graduate study at the University of Wisconsin at Madison where he received his Ph.D. and M.A. degrees. His bachelor's degree is from the University of Tennessee. At Texas he has taught a wide range of subjects, from broadcast news to critical thinking for journalists. He was director of the School of Journalism for seven years. His research has focused on a wide range of issues concerning media effects and press performance--and been published in numerous book chapters and articles in, among others, Journalism& Mass Communication Quarterly, Communication Research, Journal of Communication, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Public Opinion Quarterly, Harvard Journal of Press-Politics, Journalism Studies, and Critical Studies in mass Communication. He is co-author, along with Pamela Shoemaker, of Mediating the Message: Theories of Influence on Mass Media Content (Longman, 1991/1996), selected as one of the most significant books of the 20th Century in the field of mass communication by Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. He is editor of the volume Framing public life: Perspectives on media and our understanding of the social world. He has been book review editor, associate editor, and is now on the editorial board of Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, and on the boards of Journalism & Communication Monographs, Political Communication, Journal of Communication, and Journalism: Theory, Practice, Criticism.
Institutes :The University of Texas at Austin
This course aims to explore the historical evolution of world journalism, and to sort out the regularities in major countries` journalistic development. It will also familiarize the students with the important people, events and thoughts in world journalism history, as well as the key issues related with information and communication in contemporary world.
Provide the student with information on the origin,operation,organization,history and philosophy of broadcasting in the China and the world.
By involving various topics and theories of journalism, this course will help students to set up the basic knowledge of the news media.
This is a required course for undergraduates at School of news and communication. The main purpose is to introduce the basic principles regarding to the communication ethics and regulations in China. With the completion of the course, the students are expected to acquire the common knowledge of the area and have a healthy and professional view on communication ethics and regulations.
This course focuses on: the role of news editor, the positioning of news media, proposal for news report, newspaper layout design, and how to select the press release. It emphasizes the main content and internal logic of contemporary news editing and researches a series of the latest related problems. The purpose of this class is helping students understand the relationship between format changing of contemporary media and the responsibilities of the news editors. Also, this class is helpful in recognizing the basic characteristics and development trends of contemporary news editing and getting familiar with workflow of news editing. The students are supposed to have a solid foundation in news editing theory and be able to work in related field preliminarily after taking this class.
This course provides pre-professional training in newsgathering, news writing for print and online publications, and editing. The course also develops skills in headline writing, layout, and newspaper production with the potential for experiencing involvement on student newspaper or area print publications as well as Web submission.
Mediated communication is at the center of human life in the era of modernity, globalization and digitalization, the study of which is therefore important for intelligent understanding of contemporary social life. The core mission of this class is to introduce theories about media technology, media production and media use, and help students to understand how media and society interact and influence each other. There are four major elements or aspects in the media ecology of contemporary society: media technology, media organizations, media content (text) and media users. The four aspects are interconnected to each other, and together they form a circle of mediated communication.
This curriculum is a basic theory course. The course is divided into three plates: ancient, modern, and contemporary advertising in China, and teaching the history of advertising development in China since ancient times systematically. The major contents for the ancient and modern advertising activities in China, the establishment and introduction of western notion of advertising and modern advertising agency system since the late Qing Dynasty, the early changes of the image of Chinese advertising, and the advertising after the cultural revolution. The course will focus on the advertising since reform and opening up and the advertising of 1911-1949 rather than China ancient advertising, in order to strengthen the study of history and reality associated with the development of advertising industry at present.